Terms of Use
This page states the Terms of Use under which you or your company may use www.govpartners.com, an on-line service to post and search approved contractors and government vendors. GovPartners allows users to create profiles which include business information, to make the profiles public.
GovPartners may revise these Terms of Use at any time by posting an updated version to this web page. You should regularly visit this page for review as the most current Terms of Use are binding on you.
Registration Information
When you register with GovPartners, you will be asked to create a GovPartners Account and provide GovPartners with certain information including, without limitation, a valid email address. You understand that you have no ownership right to your GovPartners Account, and that if you cancel your Account, all account information from GovPartners including profiles, contacts and saved contract information will be deleted in GovPartners’ database and will be removed from any public area throughout the GovPartners’ website.
User Content and Submissions
You are solely responsible for your GovPartners Account information, postings, profile, content, messages and other information that you post on the GovPartners website or transmit to other Users. You agree that you will not use GovPartners website to impersonate any person, or submit any materials to GovPartners that is false, inaccurate, unlawful or otherwise in violation of your obligation under these Terms of Use.
GovPartners does not guarantee or represent the accuracy or reliability of its User Content or any other communication posted by Users to endorse their opinions. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by other Users will be at your own risk.
Registration and Password
You are responsible for maintain the confidentiality of your GovPartners account, Profile and passwords. Do not share your password or account access information with any other party. You agree to immediately notify GovPartners in the event there is unauthorized use of your account, profile, passwords or billing account information.
Disclaimer of Warranty
GovPartners does not warrant that our website will operate error-free or free from computer viruses or other harmful mechanisms. GovPartners is not responsible for the replacement of your computer equipment costs or data. Use of GovPartners site is on an “as is” basis without any warranties of any kind. GovPartners does not make any warranty about the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of the on-line website content, services, text or links.