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    Posts tagged "Lyft"
    May 19, 2017

    President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed a law that ensures federal employees traveling on government business can be reimbursed for using Uber, Lyft and other transportation network operators.

    Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) introduced the Modernizing Government Travel Act in January, and it passed the House that month. This month, the bill cleared the Senate.

    Already, the U.S. General Services Administration, which oversees civilian travel programs, had given federal agencies the go-ahead to reimburse for transportation network companies, according to a July 2016 bulletin. Then, the GSA permitted federal agencies to use such operators "when advantageous to the government and permissible under local laws and ordinances." Read Full Reference Article

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    Feb 5, 2015

    COO Tony Simon joins panel on TNCs

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    GovPartners panel framed

    Tony Simon and National Limousine Association board member Robert Alexander

    Tony Simon and National Limousine Association board member Robert Alexander

    Likening ride-hailing services to “organized hitchhiking,” COO Tony Simon represented the livery industry’s perspective on Transportation Network Companies at a recent breakfast panel hosted by GovPartners, an Ashburn-based company that specializes in government acquisition support service. About 50 transportation executives from private companies and government entities such as the DC Taxicab Commission and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority attended the event, which took place Feb. 4 at Clyde’s in Tysons.

    Other panelists at the event included:

    • Nick Ramfos, director of Alternative Commute Programs for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
    • Aaron Brandenburg, an economist and statistical information manager for the National Association of Insurance Commissioners
    • Professor Matthew W. Daus, president of International Association of Transportation Regulators and partner at Windels Marx

    Click here to watch Tony Simon’s presentation in full:

    Reference Blog Post

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